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Becka Spillane
Becka is a professional tattoo artist who has been providing her artistic talents to the greater Prescott area for over 10 years. Becka loves photo realism but is a versatile artist who enjoys tattooing in any style.
Cover Up's
Becka is an experienced artist who has helped many people rework their undesired tattoos into pieces of art they love. Client's requesting tattoo cover up services are expected to complete a consultation with the artist before attempting to book a tattooing session.
To book an appointment with Becka, send an email to
Please include your creative concept, reference images, placement preference, if you are a new or already established client, and what days of the week you are typically available for appointments.
If requesting tattoo cover up services, please also provide clear pictures of the tattoo you are requesting the artist cover.
Our artists typically respond within two weeks. We appreciate your patience as it allows your artist the ability to be fully present for clients during their appointments and able to focus on collaborating with you on your future design in the times they have allotted for responding to your inquiries.
Book with Becka
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